Deer of the Day 2018

Buck or doe. Shotgun or bow. We are welcoming everybody’s nominations for the Eagle Country 99.3 Deer of the Day presented by Whitewater Motors Tire & Service Department in West Harrison, Indiana!

The tri-state’s BEST and ORIGINAL deer photo contest is giving our listeners the chance to show off their prized whitetail harvested during the 2018 hunting season. Each day, we’ll publish on this page a photo and story submitted by a listener. Bubba Bo will also share your successful hunting story with our listeners on the Eagle Country 99.3 Morning Show! Travis Thayer will feature it again on the afternoon show.

We are welcoming your nominations now through December 31, 2018! There are some simple rules to follow:

  • Email your medium to high resolution photo in JPEG or GIF file format to Please include your name, city of residence, and location of the harvest along with a one paragraph story detailing your successful hunt.
  • Keep your photo and story tasteful. Photos showing too much blood and/or guts won’t be considered (yuck!).
  • The deer shown must have been hunted legally and ethically during the 2018 bow, firearms, muzzleloader, or youth hunting season in local areas of Indiana, Ohio, or Kentucky.

Check back on this page often for a new Eagle Country 99.3 Deer of the Day photo and story posted below each non-holiday weekday through December 31, 2018.

Thanks to Whitewater Motors in West Harrison and their Tire & Service Department for sponsoring Deer of the Day. Their November specials include:

  • 5 qt. Conventional Motor Oil and Tire Rotation just $29.95
  • Take $70 in Rebates on Select Tires (exp. 11/30/18)
  • FREE Battery Testing
  • Fall Maintenance Pkg. just $59.95

Schedule your appointment at 812-637-3211 or at


January 3, 2019

Submitted by Jessica Stonesifer: "Hunter is my husband Jon Stonesifer. Killed in Manchester indiana in Dearborn county on 11/17. Fun fact: he sprayed himself down with de-icer before realizing what it was in the morning before starting his hunt. He didnt have enough time to change so he he sprayed over top with actual scent killer and still shot this monster Haha."


December 21, 2018

Submitted by Pat Murphy: "Pat Murphy shot this 162 2/8 inch buck on Sunday 12/16/18. Been hunting the deer all season and finally caught up with him Sunday night."


December 19, 2018

Submitted by Tobey Woolwine: "This great 10 pointer was harvested by Pete Gokey on November 18th during the Idiana gun season in Dearborn county! What a great Morning!!"


December 11, 2018

Submitted by Dan Kirchgassner: "Samuel Kirchgassner hunted hard in 2017 but never had a shot opportunity on a good buck. Undeterred in 2018, he hit the woods every chance he got in bow season, but again no deer. Fortunately, his luck changed opening weekend of gun season and he was rewarded with buck on our farm in Yorkville."


December 7, 2018

Submitted by Lynsie Reeder: "My name is Lynsie Reeder age 28 I live in Dearborn county Indiana Manchester township. It may not be a buck but it's the first deer I've ever taken. I've hunted for years and just haven't ever been lucky enough to get one to come in close enough for a shot or even see one while in the woods. After losing a freezer full of meat not to long ago I feel so blessed to have had the chance to shoot this doe. I used my Thompson center omega muzzle loader for this hunt."


December 6, 2018

Submitted by Drake Mitchell: "I was hunting at a large farm on November 25th. It was a foggy morning and I couldn’t see 60 yards out of my stand. I became depressed and then the fog cleared up. At about 11:30 A.M. I unloaded my gun and got ready to leave. I looked to my right and saw this fella. I quickly put my shell back in my single shot 20 gauge. I aimed for the neck and missed. Luckily he came back up the hill right towards me. I double lunged him and he ran about 40 yards and I got him. A decent 10 point. I live in Sunman, Indiana and love to hunt and enjoy the outdoors!"


December 4, 2018

Submitted by Dan Kirchgassner: "Joseph Kirchgassner bagged a nice 8 point buck while home from college the second weekend of bow season. He was hunting from a ground blind in a hay field in Yorkville. His brother Samuel and cousin Grace assisted with the recovery."


December 3, 2018

Submitted by Tricia Ober: "11 year old Bronson Ober from Manchester In took his first deer at his papa's farm in Switzerland Co. On Thanksgiving morning.  Bronson was so excited to be hunting this year! He took this spike buck with the same gun that his brother Bo used to take many deer.  Bronson has made his deer into jerky!"


November 30, 2018

Submitted by Jenny Hendren: "Luke Hendren age 8yr. Sunman, Indiana. November 23rd Luke went out hunting for the 2nd time this season with his papaw in Lawrenceburg.  A few hours in a buck comes into view Luke aims and gets the shot. After tracking it for awhile they find the deer, a 8 point buck! It was his 8th birthday and his first deer that happened to be a 8 pointer! Luke hasn't gotten tired of telling his hunting story yet, first of many I hope."



November 29, 2018

Submitted by Heather Davies: "Olivia McLaughlin killed her first deer on Sunday, November 18th at 8 AM with her .308 rifle.  Olivia dropped the buck from 15 yards in Ripley County on her and her boyfriend, Tristan Davies’ property.  What a great first deer Olivia!"


November 28, 2018

Submitted by Ashley Higham: "I am from RisIng Sun and I shot this brute of a 15 pointer in Dearborn County on Sunday morning around 10:30 - I am very proud!"


November 27, 2018

Submitted by Brennan Meyers: "Brennan Meyers of Franklin County. Sunday 11/18/2018."


November 26, 2018

Submitted by Tim Doll: "Like many, I was experiencing a slow start to gun season. The full moons had taken their effect on the timing of movement and the rut. I was ready to call it a day around 9:15am on Friday morning when I caught a glimpse of two does walking in the distance. About 300 yards behind them was this big fella. A good sized 10 pointer with what looks like at least one tine broken off, leaving him with 6 on one side and 4 on the other. Happy to see a buck of his size on our property in Logan, Indiana! 2nd year hunter, 2nd buck harvested, 1st time field dressing on my own."


November 21, 2018

Submitted by Danielle McGee: "10 point buck killed on opening day of gun season in Ripley County."


November 20, 2018

Submitted by Sherri Miller: "The anticipation of opening day builds and builds and bam opening weekend is here. 13-year-old Jacob Miller was lucky to be sitting in the right spot Sunday morning, November 18th when this guy came in at 30 yds. I took the shot! He ran 70 yds and it was all over. Jacob harvested this buck in Yorkville, Indiana."


November 19, 2018

Submitted by Tricia Ober: "14 yr old Bo Ober took this nice 11 point buck Sunday at his papa's farm in Switzerland County.  His father Tom Ober harvested a nice 10 pointer on Saturday as well.  Bo is in the woods almost every day and is a great ambassador for hunting."


November 14, 2018

Submitted by Christopher W. Scarber: "Ripley county Archery harvest. 330 lbs on the hoof. I hunted this deer over three days going back and forth from a water hole to a bedding and food area. For the first two days he did the exact opposite as he had been. On the morning of day three I left the stand behind and set up a makeshift ground blind on the water hole. He came in right at daylight. And followed a doe along the opposite bank. I bleated to stop him and took him at 42 yards. Waiting out the 60 mandatory period to have hi officially scored."


November 13, 2018

Submitted by Tobey Woolwine: "Happy to harvest this buck with my bow last night after 5 years of waiting for the right deer.After my brothers passing almost 2 years ago, I didn't know if i would hunt again. It was a absolutely GREAT feeling to let an arrow fly again in his honor. We are proud to be the official sponsor of DEER OF THE DAY AT EAGLE COUNTRY!!!!"


November 12, 2018

Submitted by Brian Kuhn: "My name is Brian Kuhn resident of Greendale.I was lucky enough to take this good buck on 11/4/18 in Franklin County around 9:30am. I was seeing little bucks all morning when he came in chasing a doe. I thought I would bot see him again. About 20 minutes later the same the doe came back heading right at me with him right behind her. He came about within 30 yards when I let the arrow fly. I feel very blessed to harvest this buck. Pictures do not do him justice. Thanks for letting me share Eagle 99.3!!"


November 9, 2018

Submitted by Terri Carmack: "George Bingle harvested on a private farm 9 point buck it's his first deer."


November 8, 2018

Submitted by Scott Hildebrand: "I was fortunate enough to get this great deer that was roaming my father-in-laws farm in southwest Dearborn County on 10/19/18. I had a couple of trail camera pictures to tip me off that he was there but never expected to see him. About two hours after being in my stand he came in with a doe and gave me a perfect ten yard broad side shot. He only went about fifty yards after the shot and went down. This is probably the third largest deer I’ve taken in 35 years of deer hunting and I am so very proud to be the lucky person to take him. Just thought I’d share pictures of him with all of the folks that enjoy deer hunting in Eagle Country."




Brush Fork Road to Close for Bridge Replacement

The project is slated to start March 24.

Special Olympics to Host Breakfast with the Easter Bunny

The event is set for April 13 at South Ripley Elementary School.

Rolling Roadblocks Scheduled for Pothole Patching on Various Road in Boone Co.

Crews will be pothole patching on Aero Parkway (KY 1017), KY 237, I-275 and I-75.

Bill Brinkman to Receive Outstanding Official Award

Brinkman is in his 35th year as an official.

Seven Earn Academic All-State Honors from ICGSA

To be eligible, student-athletes have to have a GPA of 3.5 or higher.

Craig, Henry Named to HBCA East All-Star Team

Two Ohio River Valley Conference stars will team at the HBCA East/West All-Star Classic. 

On Air

Your Hometown Radio Station playing
Restless Heart - I'll Still Be Loving You

Rascal Flatts and Jonas Brothers I Dare You 3:30
Luke Bryan Fast 3:27
Patty Loveless Hurt Me Bad [in a Real Good Way] 3:24
Mark Chesnutt Almost Goodbye 3:20