It is going to be a beautiful Saturday for a ride to Milan. We'll be there broadcasting live from 10-1.
(Milan, Ind.) – It is going to be a beautiful Saturday to open up the garage and drive your classic vehicle to Milan.
Ripley Crossing will host their 9th annual Classic Cruise-In for Alzheimer’s on Saturday, September 16 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The weather forecast looks excellent with sunny skies and a daytime high of 78.
Registration is easy. Simply cruise to Ripley Crossing in Milan and hand event volunteers $20 to enter the car show. Trophies will be awarded, there will be live music, vendors, and raffles too. Spectators enter for free.
Attendees will also enjoy the famous chicken dinner with a $15 donation.
All proceeds from the event will go to the Alzheimer’s Association for research.
Eagle Country 99.3 will be on hand with a live broadcast from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Stop by our booth and register to win prizes.
Ripley Crossing is located at 1200 Whitlatch Way in Milan.