By Travis Thayer (Indianapolis, Ind.) – Attorney General Greg Zoeller and the Indianapolis Colts are teaming up to rally against prescription drug abuse in Indiana. Drug overdose deaths have quadrupled over the past decade according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and half of overdose deaths are caused by prescription drugs. The Indiana Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Task Force is urging Hoosier teens to compete in the second annual Pledge Challenge. High school students from across the state are invited to compete in the Pledge Challenge by going online and taking the pledge not to abuse or share prescription drugs. The high school with the highest percentage of student pledges by Sunday, November 15 will win a $5,000 award for their school from the Colts. The winning school will be presented with their award by Colts Community Spokesman Marine Corporal Josh Bleill, during a Colts pep rally held at the school. The winning school will also be featured on as a community leader in combating prescription drug abuse. Last year’s Pledge Challenge winner was Martinsville High School, which had 100-percent student body participation with more than 1,500 students pledging not to abuse or share prescription drugs. Nearly 7,000 students from 60 schools also participated in the challenge last year. To take the pledge, students can visit and click on the prevention tab. The Pledge Challenge begins today and runs through November