Aurora Diner Creates Fundraiser To Help "Fill The Pool"

Monday, March 1, 2021 at 10:02 AM

By City of Aurora, news release

The City of Aurora has dedicated $2.5 million to revitalize the City Pool, but another $1 million needs to be raised to have the project come to fruition.

City manager Derek Walker with Aurora Diner owner, Lindsay Bimrose. Photo provided. 

(Aurora, Ind.) - The City of Aurora Pool Committee was approached by the Aurora Diner owner, Lindsay Bimrose about an idea to help the committee’s pool reconstruction fundraising efforts. The Diner will be offering customers an easy opportunity to donate to the project, while also providing them a place to display their support. Donations to the project can be as easy as giving an extra $1 when paying for your meal. Those who donate at the Diner can also write their name on a drop of water to be displayed in the store front window.

Lindsay donated collection jars to the Pool Committee to help make “fill the pool” kits. The committee has since been going door to door to talk with businesses and organizations about partnering on the fundraiser project and replicating the idea.

“As we work to recover from the economic hardships of COVID-19, I’m encouraged by the support we have received by the community so early in the campaign. Citizens, businesses, and organizations are coming to us asking how they can help and they are coming with great ideas! Please reach out to myself or Denise Rose, Director of Parks and Recreation if you would like to partner with us on this project. Your business or organization can help without reaching into your pocket. We are accepting merchandise and gift certificates to be handed out to participants of the fundraising events. We hope these efforts help get the word out about the great businesses and organizations we have locally and also help support a great amenity for the community. We are nearly 80% of the way to reaching our fundraising goal which was set for the 3 v 3 basketball event and the first game will not be played for 2 more weeks! At a minimum, passes to the ARCC will be given away to the 3 v 3 event winners.”

The Pool Committee is still looking for more partners. There is still time to sponsor the basketball event and get your name and organization logo on the T-shirts if you can make a commitment and get your logo to us by Friday, March 5th. Sponsorships start as low as $100 and are as high as $750, depending on how prominent you would like your name and logo displayed.

“I look forward to the later days of summer when our pool support begins filling up everyone’s store fronts!”

For questions on registering for the event or becoming a sponsor contact Denise Rose, Director of Parks and Recreation, by calling 812-290-1070 or by following the Aurora City Pool Facebook page @auroracitypool.

Stay tuned and follow our Facebook page, as the City will be holding additional events and sponsorship opportunities throughout the year. You may make donations directly to the pool project by donating to the “City of Aurora Parks Donation Fund”. Donations can be made any day of the week, at the Aurora Recreation and Community Center (ARCC) during regular business hours or by visiting the parks and recreation website, Every dollar earned is akin to a drop of water in our pool and we hope you partner with us to "Fill the Pool"!

Please contact Derek Walker at 812-926-1777 ext. 6, to discuss how larger donations could be rewarded.


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