UPDATE: Chip Seal On SR 129 In Switzerland County Begins June 11

UPDATE: Road crews are coming to State Road 129 as soon as Tuesday, June 11.

INDOT photo

Update published Tuesday, June 4: 

You could see road crews on State Road 129 in Switzerland County starting next week, a few days later than anticipated.

INDOT says S.R. 129 is getting a new chip-seal top layer from S.R. 56 to S. R. 250.

The project which was slated to start June 4 has been pushed back to start June 11. INDOT says the delay is due to weather.

If you encounter the work crew, you should expect to be delayed a little.


Original story published Monday, June 3:

(Switzerland County, Ind.) - Indiana Department of Transportation maintenance crews will begin chip sealing a twelve-mile section S.R. 129 in Switzerland County, from S.R. 56 (west of Vevay) to the junction of S.R. 250 (at Pleasant), on or after Tuesday, June 4, weather permitting.

Motorists should expect delays in the area due to lane closures in the work zone. Flaggers will be present to manage traffic.

Chip sealing coats existing pavement with liquid asphalt, sealing cracks and providing waterproof protection. This extends the service life of the roadway and lowers maintenance costs. Small chips of limestone are used to cover the asphalt, preventing it from spraying vehicles or sticking to tires. The chips also restore surface friction for improved skid resistance, maneuverability, and driver safety. Chip seal is a cost-effective pavement preservation technique, saving $6 to $14 in taxpayer expenditures for every $1 invested in extending the life of a roadway.

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