DCF Inducts Nine Contributors Into Legacy Society

Friday, October 25, 2019 at 3:20 PM

By Dearborn Community Foundation, news release

Locals from Aurora, Lawrenceburg and Manchester were honored.

DCF Executive Director Fred McCarter, (center) presented the plaque honoring Legacy Society recipients. Cherie Maddin on the left with Ken Maddin on the right. Photo provided. 

(Lawrenceburg, Ind.) - The Dearborn Community Foundation, Inc. (DCF) recently added nine new members to its Legacy Society, which is a group of individuals who have made a dedicated effort to invest in the community through charitable endowment at the Foundation.

“Legacy Society members have chosen to make a difference in our community today, knowing that their gifts will continue to give tomorrow and forever into the future,” said Fred McCarter, Executive Director of DCF. “All of these folks are fine examples of philanthropists in our community. Their contributions support charitable needs ranging from providing scholarships for students to awarding grants to charitable organizations.”

The nine new Legacy Society members added in 2019 bring the total number of honorees to 116 in DCF’s 21-year history. The 2019 honorees combined to establish six new endowment funds.

2019 Honorees

Aimee and Roger Cromer, Manchester – for the establishment of the Brandon Cromer Memorial Scholarship Fund, a designated endowment fund, in memory of their late son, Brandon. The endowment fund provides support to the South Dearborn Dollars for Scholars for an annual scholarship.

Kevin and Meghan Schafer, Lawrenceburg – for the establishment of the Kevin and Meghan Schafer Charitable Fund, a donor-advised endowment. Through their fund, Kevin and Meghan, can recommend grants to charitable organizations. Kevin Schafer is the current DCF Board Chairperson.

E. Alan Newhouse, Urbana, Illinois – for the establishment of the R. Daniel Newhouse Memorial Scholarship Fund in memory of his late brother, Daniel. The endowment provides a scholarship to graduates of Dearborn County high schools who are seeking a career via a vocational certification and/or a two-year associates degree. Daniel, who passed in away in 2017, is also a member of the DCF Legacy Society for his establishment of the Martha McKinney Newhouse Memorial Scholarship Fund in 2011 in memory of Newhouse brothers’ mother, Martha.

Cherie and Ken Maddin, Aurora – for establishment of the Maddin-Beall Family Fund, a donor-advised endowment. Through their fund, Cherie and Ken, can recommend grants to charitable organizations to make a difference. Cherie Maddin is a member of the DCF Board of Directors.

Connie Tyler, McCordsville, Indiana – for establishment of the Tim Tyler Memorial Scholarship Fund in memory of her late husband, Tim Tyler. Tim taught for 35 years at South Dearborn schools before retiring. Tim, who passed away in 2015, taught physical education and health and coached both basketball and tennis. Tim cared about his students and emphasized the importance of education, so Connie chose to establish an endowment that would support South Dearborn Dollars for Scholars and annually provide a scholarship for a South Dearborn student.

Jeffrey L. Huntington, St. Louis, Missouri – for the establishment of the Jeffrey L. Huntington Hillforest Fund, a designated endowment. The endowment provides support for Hillforest Historical Foundation, Inc. Jeff is a former Executive Director of National Historic Landmark designated Hillforest Mansion in Aurora. Jeff, who has lived and worked in St. Louis, Missouri, for many years, has quite fond memories of his time at Hillforest and wanted to establish an endowment that would help support the costs of maintaining the historic mansion.

Anyone interested in establishing an endowment should contact Fred McCarter (812-539-4115) at DCF. Anyone interested in contributing to an existing endowment at the Foundation can learn more about how to contribute by visiting the DCF website (dearborncf.org) and going to the “Give Now” page.

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