DCF: Lawrenceburg Grant Program Awarded $1.4M To Local Non-Profits

Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at 6:51 AM

By Dearborn Community Foundation, news release

The city's Lawrenceburg Community Grant Program is making a difference for communities across Dearborn County.

Dearborn County 911 Director Jared Teaney demonstrates one of the new Automated External Defibrillators that are placed in all Dearborn County Sheriff’s Department vehicles and all county governments buildings thanks to a grant from the Lawrenceburg Community Grant Program at Dearborn Community Foundation. Photo provided.

(Lawrenceburg, Ind.) – The Dearborn Community Foundation, Inc. awarded $1,396,727 in grants to non-profit organizations in 2018 through the Lawrenceburg Community Grant Program.

LCGP, established 14 years ago by the City of Lawrenceburg, is funded by the city, but DCF administers the competitive grant program, which allows for grants of up to $100,000 to eligible non-profits. Grants in 2018 supported projects ranging from helping to build a recreational building for youth at the James B. Wismann Y.E.S. Home and support for Main Street programs in Lawrenceburg and Aurora to providing funds for Catch-A-Ride public transportation and equipment upgrades and replacement for many local Fire/EMS departments.

While donors of all types have helped DCF have an incredible impact on the community, the Lawrenceburg Community Grant Program allows for larger investments in charitable organizations of all types, said Fred McCarter, DCF Executive Director.

“I know the Foundation and the community as a whole are quite grateful for the City of Lawrenceburg’s generosity and help in funding needs in our community,” he said.

Grants awarded in 2018 through the Lawrenceburg Community Grant Program:

  • Lawrenceburg Community Center - $10,000 to match a Community Development Block Grant from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs for replacement of the HVAC system in the center.
  • LifeTime Resources, Inc. - $5,000 to match Indiana Department of Transportation funds to support Catch-A-Ride public transportation in Dearborn County.
  • Special Olympics Indiana, Inc. - $2,122 for marketing materials for the organization.
  • Moores Hill Recreation - $5,000 for the Moores Hill Bicentennial Celebration.
  • Lawrenceburg Main Street, Inc. - $1,050 for Farmers Market portable handwashing station and customer tote bags.
  • Beautification of Dillsboro, Inc. - $5,000 for flower pot improvement and replacement.
  • Main Street Aurora, Inc. - $2,500 for production of educational “Aurora-opoly” games for Aurora’s Bicentennial celebration.
  • Rivertown Quilters Guild - $2,260 for Quilts of Valor program for Dearborn County veterans.
  • Hoosier Hills Literacy League - $3,852 for equipment purchases for digital learning program.
  • Youth Encouragement Services, Inc. - $100,000 for construction of recreational building at the James B. Wismann Y.E.S. Home.
  • Dillsboro Emergency Unit - $39,507 for purchase of 800MHZ radios to upgrade communications equipment.
  • Purdue University - $1,763 for Dearborn County’s share of a broadband study for the nine-county region of Southeastern Indiana.
  • City of Aurora Police Department - $63,877 to replace out-of-date, in-car camera equipment.
  • Dearborn County Government - $70,705 for purchase of Automated External Defibrillators for placement in all sheriff’s department vehicles and in all county buildings.
  • City of Greendale Police Department - $76,362 for replacement of outdated computers and radios.
  • South Dearborn Dollars for Scholars - $1,000 to support charitable needs of the organization.
  • Special Olympics Indiana, Inc. - $1,000 to support the charitable needs of the organization.
  • St. John Lutheran School - $1,000 to support the charitable needs of the organization.
  • Aurora Riverfront Beautification - $5,000 to support the 2018 Red White and Boom event.
  • Greendale Emergency Rescue - $100,000 for purchase of defibrillator units and chest compression units.
  • Youth Encouragement Services, Inc. - $1,000 for the charitable needs of the James B. Wismann Y.E.S. Home.
  • Heart House, Inc. - $10,000 for purchase of commercial dishwasher to replace 1975-era dishwasher.
  • Town of Dillsboro - $33,736 for HVAC replacement on both floors of town-owned Friendship (art) Gallery.
  • Aurora Lions Club - $30,000 for fair management items for 110th Aurora Farmers Fair.
  • Dearborn County Clearinghouse for Emergency Aid, Inc. - $32,077 for purchase of van to deliver food to Dearborn County residents in need.
  • Aurora Emergency Rescue - $99,127 for purchase of up-to-date defibrillators, radios and monitors.
  • Dillsboro Volunteer Fire Department - $69,600 for firefighting turnout gear and boots.
  • Lawrenceburg Main Street, Inc. - $15,000 for 2018 Winter Wonderland event.
  • Vineyard Community Church of Aurora - $19,735 to help replace the HVAC.
  • Miller-York Volunteer Fire Department - $81,407 for purchase of 4X4 brush truck and skid unit to battle fires in rough topography.
  • Dearborn County Parks & Recreation - $20,000 for purchase of rough terrain vehicle for maintenance work at three rural county parks.
  • Bright Volunteer Fire Company - $99,031 for EMS upgrades to replace CPR devices and cardiac monitors.
  • Dearborn County Court Services - $97,593 for purchase/development of database software and for evaluation of the Jail Chemical Addictions Program (JCAP)
  • We Care Packages, Inc. - $40,000 for product and postage costs for care packages sent to military personnel overseas.
  • City of Aurora Fire Department - $36,124 for turnout gear, including helmets and boots.
  • Hogan Township Volunteer Fire Department - $83,259 for purchase of communication radios and rescue tools, including Jaws-of-Life.
  • Dearborn County Historical Society - $74,810 for restoration work on the 200-year-old Angevine Cabin.
  • Dearborn County Water Rescue - $57,230 for replacement of outdated side-scan sonar.


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