Dennis Kraus, Jr. has been recognized for his many years of public service.
AIC President Ken Paust, Wayne County Commissioner, and Surveyors’ Association President Susan Bodkin, Hancock County Surveyor, present award to Dennis Kraus, Jr. Dearborn County Surveyor. Photo provided.
(INDIANAPOLIS) - The Association of Indiana Counties (AIC) announced that Dearborn County Surveyor Dennis Kraus, Jr. received the 2021 Outstanding Surveyor Award. The award recognized his contributions made to county government throughout his years of public service.
Dennis Kraus Jr is currently the surveyor for Dearborn County, Indiana. He has held this office for sixteen years, being elected to the position in 2004. Dennis has been surveying for most of his life with his father, Dennis Kraus Sr, who also held office as the county surveyor. Dennis Jr worked for his father for his own company, DA Kraus Land Surveying, where he got his start. He is also the present President of the Dearborn County Planning Commission.
The award was presented during the AIC's 63rd Annual Conference in Switzerland County. The AIC's Annual Conference is the largest gathering of county officials in the state. Representatives from public agencies, private entities, and local elected officials addressed issues such as cash flow and public funds management, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), health care, appeals and permitting, redistricting, energy, HR, broadband, highway funding and asset management, and so much more.
For more information about the AIC or the Annual Conference, please contact Elizabeth Mallers at