A peculiar looking growth on a tree in Hamilton
County, Indiana was featured in the DNR's
2008 Invasion of the Weird Trees publication.
Ind. Dept. of Natural Resources
(Indianapolis, Ind.) - Do you know of a really weird looking tree? Maybe it’s in your yard or at a local park.
The Indiana Department of Natural Resources Forestry division is accepting submissions for its 2012 Invasion of Weird Trees online publication. The last compilation was done in 2008.
Hoosiers are being asked to send in photos of trees that may have swallowed signs, twisted together, or possess any other uncommon visual features.
The DNR’s report will name the weirdest shaped tree in each of Indiana’s 92 counties.
Photos can be mailed to Sam Carman, DNR Division of Forestry, 402 W. Washington, Rm. W296, Indianapolis, IN 46204. Submissions can also be e-mailed to scarman@dnr.in.gov. Be sure to include the your name, address, phone number, and the tree’s location.