EC sent two teams to the event in Indianapolis.
Photo by East Central FFA.
INDIANAPOLIS – Two teams from the East Central FFA Chapter competed at the 96th National FFA Convention and Expo.
The event was held last Thursday at the Indiana State Fairgrounds.
East Central FFA got an early start to the day, getting on the bus at 4:50 a.m.
The Environmental Natural Resources team of Bryson Dossenback, Shelby Dawson, Alayna Workman, and Isabelle Leurck placed in the bronze emblem category.
Individually, Leurck and Workman placed in the silver emblem category, while Dawson and Dossenback finished in the bronze emblem category.
This event focuses on testing students' problem solving and decision-making skills in environmental and natural resources. These areas concentrate on soil profiles, water quality, waste management, and the use of global positioning units.
Josilyn Tidwell, Kody Schilling, John Kathman, and Aiden Roberts made up the Nursery / Landscape team. They placed in the bronze emblem category.
This event tests their knowledge and skills in nursery practices and landscaping. Participants must complete a general knowledge exam testing horticultural principles including plant anatomy, production, marketing, turf, landscape design and maintenance. Each participant must also complete practicums involving landscape estimating, plant propagation or potting, identification of plants, disorders and equipment.
Schilling and Kathman placed in the silver emblem category while Tidwell and Roberts placed in the bronze emblem category.
“This was a great experience for both teams, and they were able to meet members from all across the country,” reads a Facebook post from East Central FFA.