(St. Leon, Ind.) - High school seniors can do some one stop shopping for their future college of career next month at East Central High School.
East Central is planning its annual College and Career Fair. The event will be held in the high school fieldhouse Tuesday, March 13 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
The event is open to East Central students as well as students from other local high schools.
“This free college and career fair invites parents and students to talk with representatives of two and four year colleges, U.S. Armed Forces, hospitals, apprenticeships, and businesses,” said Ellen Schneider, ECHS counselor and the fair’s coordinator.
Over 50 colleges from Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky and 30 local businesses will have representatives waiting to speak with students.
Questions regarding the East Central College and Career Fair can be answered by calling (812) 576-4811.