Gov. Holcomb Ceremoniously Signs House Bill 1006

Tuesday, August 17, 2021 at 9:24 AM

By Office of Governor Eric Holcomb, news release

The bill allocates $70 million to update the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy.

(INDIANAPOLIS) - Gov. Eric J. Holcomb today ceremoniously signed House Bill 1006 at the Indiana Law Enforcement  Academy. The governor, along with Rep. Greg Steuerwald, Rep. Robin Shackleford and other members of the general assembly, touted the bipartisan support and passing of House Enrolled Act 1006.

"There were many that said it couldn't be done but we proved here in the state of Indiana that we can take on tall challenges and emerge on the other side in a much better position and that's exactly what we did with the enhancements that are going to occur at the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy by passing 1006," said Gov. Holcomb. "This is just a critically important step and long overdue."

HEA 1006:

  • Allocates $70 million to update the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy
  • Establishes a procedure allowing the Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board to decertify an officer who participates in criminal misconduct
  • Creates an employee record-sharing process between law enforcement agencies.

Click here for pictures from today's event.

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