(Indianapolis, Ind.) - Officials with the Girl Scouts in Indianapolis can only laugh at State Rep. Bob Morris of Fort Wayne.
The Republican has sent a letter to other lawmakers telling them he won't go along with a resolution honoring the Girl Scouts 100th anniversary because he thinks they're a "radicalized organization" that is ruining young girls.
Girls Scouts of America and Planned Parenthood, type it into your computer and see what you find,” Morris said.
Morris says he believes the scout group is pushing a pro-gay, pro-abortion message in connection with Planned Parenthood.
Cathy Ritchie of the Girl Scouts of Central Indiana laughed when she learned of his letter to other lawmakers.
“I think perhaps he hasn’t done all of his research. There is no relationship between Girls Scouts of the U.S.A. or Girl Scouts of Central Indiana to Planned Parenthood,” Ritchie said.
Morris said the letter was not intended to be public and said he wrote it to inform his colleagues at the Indiana Statehouse about what he had found online.