Due to the considerable number of comments focused on improving existing roads, the team is taking more time to develop additional preliminary alternatives.
(Southeast Indiana) - The Link 101 Project Team is completing the Preliminary Alternatives Screening Report.
The report was expected to be complete this fall. Due to the considerable number of comments to the Project Team focused on improving existing roads, the team is taking more time to develop additional preliminary alternatives. The screening report will include the new alternatives developed following public and agency input.
We expect to complete the screening report in early 2024 and identify the smaller group of alternatives for detailed analysis. It’s during that detailed analysis that more information will be developed for each alternative including potential benefits, impacts and costs.
When the Preliminary Alternatives Screening Report is complete, it will be shared with the public. Public meetings and a comment period will follow.
The comment period associated with this summer’s public meetings ran through September 8, 2023, with more than 1,000 comments received. A summary of the meetings and comments is available on the Link 101 project website on the Project Documents page.
Many of the comments received questioned the need for the project and commenters were concerned about possible acquisition of their property and/or farmland. Potential right-of-way impacts will not be determined until the next stage in the project development process. All feedback is important, is considered by the Project Team, and is included in the project record.
When a smaller group of preliminary alternatives moves forward for detailed analysis early next year, another round of stakeholder and public meetings is planned.
Benefits, impacts, and costs, along with public and agency input, will help identify a single preferred alternative. That’s expected to happen in summer 2024.
The Draft Environmental Document is expected to be published in fall 2024. Publication of the document will be followed by a public hearing and formal comment period. All substantive comments received will be included and addressed in the Final Environmental Document. That final document is expected in early 2026. A timeline for any construction will be determined at the end of the environmental study.
Questions and feedback can always be shared with the Project Team. Any comments shared with the team during this project development process are a part of the project record. There are several ways to share input:
- Online at Link101Corridor.com
- Call 844-LINK101 (546-5101)
- Email info@Link101Corridor.com
- Visit the Project Office in Vevay
The Project Office is located in the Switzerland County Technology and Education Center in Vevay, 708 W. Seminary Street. It’s open Monday and Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and by appointment.