Ivy Tech Community College Names Dean’s List For Spring 2020 Semester

Friday, June 19, 2020 at 5:00 AM

By Ivy Tech Community College, news release

Congratulations to these Ivy Tech students across Eagle Country!


(Lawrenceburg, Ind.) - More than 200 students were named to the Dean’s List for the Spring 2020 semester at the Ivy Tech Community College Lawrenceburg and Batesville locations. The college names to the Dean’s List any degree-seeking student who has accumulated 12 or more earned credit hours, is enrolled in a minimum of six credit hours during the term involved and earns a grade point average of 3.5 or higher.

The following area students were among those named to the Dean’s List.

Cheryl Abplanalp, Logan Adkins, Lauren Ahaus, Jenna Anderson, Carrie Ankenman, Steven Antrobus, Xavier Aparicio, Megan Asher, Kayla Atwell, Alexis Bagby, Daniel Baitz, Jason Baker, Rick Baker, Nicole Ball, Allyson Bamberger, Rebecca Barga, Daniel Barkdoll, Mollie Baxter, Kyle Beavin, Nicole Becker, George Beiderhake, Samantha Bell, Carly Bellamy, Blake Bennett, Olivia Beverly, Christopher Bishop, Carla Blair, London Bondurant, John Bostick, Zachary Bovard, Amanda Branam, Melissa Brownlee, Mary Brunsman, Sarah Bryant, Wil Burke, John Busha, Kyle Callahan, Ian Campbell, Alexis Cappel, Brittany Carpenter, Thomas Carr, Lauren Casada, Megan Caudy, Keagan Centeno, Taylor Chaffee, Krystal Cheyney, Riley Chipman, Aaron Cleary, Jessica Cochran, Ranae Cole, Joshua Collins, Emily Combs, Leah Cook, Steven Covert, Steve Cox, Dalton Craft, Haley Craft, Hannah Craft, Catherine Crase, Blake Current, Kendrick Cutter, Cole Davidson, Ashley Davis, John Deddens, Silas DeLine, Haylee Desmarais, Matthew Dickson, Nolan Dieselberg, Christopher Dillon, Derek Dixon, Rebekah Dodge, Shelby Dole, Ashley Draffen, Jessica Duvall, Regan Dwenger, Cameron Eberhart, Rebecca Eckel, Shelbea Eckel, Sian Ellis, Scott Engle, Riley Erickson, Jodi Esterkamp, Donald Evans, Alan Finck, Halle Fischer, Kyla Fischer, Caylin Fox, Taylor Fragale, Mikayla Fuller, Demarie Gagne, Emily Garcia, Jonas Geiser, Kylie Giglio, Ethan Gindling, Corey Gray, Shianne Greenwell, Jennifer Griffin, Courtney Guerra, Catherine Gunter, William Halbig, Sara Hale, Danielle Hall, Donald Hall, Tristin Handorf, Cassandra Haring, Jessica Harrison, Kaytlynn Hawkins, Kya Hawkins, Myles Henninger, Christian Herring, Brandon Hoffman, Maryann Holzbacher, Amy Hon, Cassie Hooten, Lea Hornberger, Kyle Hountz, Taylor Hountz, Lauren House, Angela Hudepohl, Logan Huismann, Jeff Hunter, Emily Hurr, Sarah Hussung, Sealey Hyatt, Sophia Jacks, Kristina Jewett, Alexandria Jivoin, Jacob Johnson, Allyson Jones, Frederick Jones, Laura Jordan, Katherine Kahles, Brice Keeton, Jackson Ketcham, Jacob Kichler, Michael Kilby, Kenneth Kincart, Corey Kinnett, Whitney Kisner, Hailey Knippenberg, Amanda Kunkel, Samantha Lackner, Samantha Lakins, Kyle Land, Austin Lattire, Ryan Lawrence, Raymond Lecher, Donna Lee, Devon Leek, Emily Lockard, Shane Loftin, Christopher Long, Jonah Long, Robin Long, Ashley Love, Casandra Lowe, Nichole Lozier, Makyla Ludwig-Lay, Jessica Mann, Cara Maples, Sandra Markland, Jordan Marro, Kaitlin Mason, Briana Mauntel, AnnMarie McAdams, Hailey McAdams, Tia McConnell, Courtney McCray, Rodney McGarrah, Beau McKinney, Hunter Meister, Jerome Meyer, Nancy Meyer, Allek Miller, Zachary Miller, Dillon Mock, Sidney Moore, Karissa Mundy, Ashley Munt, Claire Nagel, Logan Newberry, Dru Niedenthal, Matthew Northcutt, Jordan Nuhring, Sandra Nutty, Morgan Oesterling, Amy Ogg, Wyatt Otte, Morgan Peetz, Edwin Perello, Clarice Peters, Kylie Phillips, Madison Phillips, Aleyah Piersawl, Debbie Poling, Rachael Porter, Elora Proffitt, Lily Ramsey, MacKenzie Ray, Jeana Rayles, Melissa Richardson, Leah Riffle, Bethany Roberts, Bree Roberts, Heather Ronnebaum, Renae Roof, Chasity Rose, Gregory Rouse, Lissa Rullman, Savanna Rummel, Shawn Sabatine, Jonathan Sanders, Anna Schmidl, Brittney Schmidt, Renee Schneider, Zachary Schoenberger, Sandy Seals, Sarah Seals, Montana Sechrest, Allison Shane, Olivia Shaut, Amy Shook, Alisha Short, Kyle Short, Elizabeth Sigmon, Angel Sizemore, Tameeka Sizemore, Brandon Slone, Tommy Slone, Haylie Smallwood, Daniel Smith, Rebekah Smith, Tara Smith, William Smith, Kimberly Sombke, Deborah Sparkman, Dianna Sprague, Elias Spurlock, Rebecca Spurlock, William Stephens, Chassidy Stewart, Michelle Stiebel, Emma Strotman, Jason Sullivan, Kelsey Swartz, Sarah Tamaska, Brody Taylor, Allison Terrill, Austin Terrill, Dana Thomason, Amanda Thompson, Madison Thompson, Kaitlyn Tuttle, Ashley Velie, Dennis Vinup, Lyndsey Volpenhein, Christina Vorbroker, Andrew Wahman, Derek Walls, Abigail Weil-Getz, Brandy Westerfeld, Kristin White, Jessica Whiteford, Isabelle Wiehe, Lauren Williams, Robyn Williams, Richard Wisler, Jennifer Wolter, Leah Wright, Aimee Wyatt, Alyssa Young, Adriana Youngman

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