Repairs will need to be made before the pool can open for the season.
City of Lawrenceburg photo.
(Lawrenceburg, Ind.) - An issue at Pat O'Neill Memorial Pool could push back its opening date.
On Monday, city engineer Mario Todd told City Council that quite a few leaks have been located at the pool. The discovery was made as crews are preparing to install a new liner at the pool.
"The pool probably settled over the winter and snapped possibly 100 feet of piping," said Todd.
In order to fix the leaks, a portion of the concrete deck will have to be dug up.
Chester Pools has estimated the cost to repair the leaks is $43,700. That figure could go up or down depending on the size of the leak. One contractor estimated the high-end cost to be $85,000.
Todd says the pool will not open until repairs are made. Pat O'Neill Memorial Pool is currently slated to open Memorial Day Weekend.
"It's a slim window but we are going to try and hit it," said Todd.
A motion to approve the quote by Chester Pools to replace 100 feet of piping for $43,700 was approved at Monday's City Council meeting.
Chester Pools installed the pool in Lawrenceburg and is currently doing the liner project.