Shelby Williams earned 1st place in Public Speaking and advanced to the state competition.
(North Vernon, Ind.) - On Thursday, Milan JAG students traveled to North Vernon’s Education and Training Center to compete in the Regional Career Development Conference.
This group of students is made up of juniors and seniors, who are in the Jobs Across America program at Milan HS. This program at Milan HS teaches students career skills and life experiences before their graduation. By learning from many career speakers, these students can pursue the right career pathway for them. At Milan, the JAG class also takes care of the recycling for the MS and the HS buildings.
Many students succeed at their topics and interviews:
- Shelby Williams- 1st in Public Speaking
- Lydia Linville- 3rd in Employability Skills
- Hunter Scudder- 3rd in Financial Literacy
- Allison Doyle- 3rd in Critical Thinking
- Ellana Jutzi- Outstanding Senior
- Grace Bruce- Career Presentation
- Logan Burton- Creative Solutions
- Lucas Drew- Writing Skills
Shelby Williams will move on to the State JAG CDC coming up on March 15 with public speaking.