MMCH Physician Center Groundbreaking Tues.

An artist rending of the new Margaret Mary

Community Hospital Physician Center.


(Batesville, Ind.) – With a couple inches of rainfall overnight, Tuesday’s groundbreaking of a new medical office in Batesville could instead be a mudbreaking.


Regardless of the consistency of the earth, Tuesday’s ceremony to mark the coming of the Margaret Mary Community Hospital Physician Center should signal a bright future for the hospital.


The $7 million development will go up at 26 Six Pine Ranch Road, just off State Road 229 behind the MMCH Hansen Center.


Margaret Mary officials announced plans for the 28,650 square foot medical office in September. When it is complete in 2013, the building will house 13 doctors ranging from OB/GYN and surgical to pediatric and family practice. X-ray and laboratory services will also be located there.


The groundbreaking takes place at 3:00 p.m. Light refreshments will be served.




MMCH To Build New Physician Center

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