The training exercise will take place this week.
(Lawrenceburg, Ind.) – A multi-jurisdictional public safety training exercise will take place this week in Lawrenceburg.
The Lawrenceburg Police Department and the Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation will host an Active Shooter Joint Readiness Training Exercise on Thursday, June 3.
The exercise will be held at Lawrenceburg High School from 3:00 to 10:30 p.m.
According to the City of Lawrenceburg, the training exercise will focus on communications, mobilization, practical response protocols, debriefing and skills training.
LHS students, faculty, and parents will be participating in the training scenarios.
Agencies participating include Lawrenceburg Police, Lawrenceburg Fire, Lawrenceburg EMS, Greendale Police, Greendale Fire, Greendale EMS, Aurora Police, Aurora Fire, Aurora EMS, Dearborn County Sheriff’s Department, Dearborn County Prosecutor’s Office, Indiana State Police, Dearborn County 911 Dispatch, Dearborn County EMA, UC Air Care, St. Elizabeth Hospital Dearborn, City of Lawrenceburg Mayors Office & City Departments, and Lawrenceburg Utility Department.
Reach Alert will be utilized as an instant mass communication system during the training exercise. To stay connected with the City of Lawrenceburg, visit