The bicentennial banners were hung earlier this week.
Aurora Utilities crew members are placing new bicentennial banners on light posts around the city. Aurora Street Department employees helped to place display cases at city hall. Photos provided by Main Street Aurora.
(Aurora, Ind.) - City of Aurora and Main Street Aurora are celebrating a "banner year" for the city.
Main Street Aurora is behind the new light post banners commemorating Aurora's bicentennial this year.
Main Street Aurora Executive Director Nancy Turner said the Main Street design committee worked hard for months coming up with the plan and the design of the bicentennial banners. The committee members are Judy Hizer, Jada Ankenbauer, Jim Waldon, Shane Wagner, Tabatha Turner and Ben Turner.
The 69 bicentennial banners are now on display along Main, Second, and George streets.
"This is why we call Nancy and the design committee the 'A-Team' here in Aurora. Help us celebrate Aurora’s Bicentennial and check out what’s new in historic Downtown Aurora," said Aurora city manager Guinevere Emery.
The banners were installed with the help of Aurora Street Department employees Debbie Peters, Eugene Ison and Elvis Christen. The $4,500 cost was paid for by the City of Aurora and Main Street Aurora from their bicentennial budgets.
Also going up are nine new banners directing motorists to free public parking in Aurora, at a little over $1,100 paid for by the city.
A display of Aurora bicentenntial memorabilia is being set up at Aurora City Hall, added Turner.