Non-Profit Could Help Raise Money For New Brookville Pool

By Mike Perleberg (Brookville, Ind.) - It will be another long, hot summer without a public pool in Brookville. The pool was closed last summer after a large water leak - 35,000 gallons per day - was found. Earlier this year, town leaders announced that the pool would stay closed in 2017. The Brookville Town Council formed a committee to investigate a solution for the pool. A feasibility study recommends replacing the pool with a new one, not rehabbing the current 56-year-old pool, according to the Franklin County Observer newsletter. It is unclear how the town may fund a new pool. One suggestion by the committee has been to form a non-profit corporation to do fundraising. A price tag for a possible new pool has not been announced. Brookville Town Council will take up the public pool issue again at their April 25 meeting. RELATED STORIES: Report: Brookville Pool Will Stay Closed In ’17 Brookville Public Pool Won’t Open This Summer Brookville Leaders Considering Public Pool Repairs Brookville Pool Leaking 35K Gallons Daily  

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