Over 4,000 Gallons Of Free Milk To Be Distributed In Dillsboro Next Week

Milk will be available in the Dillsboro Family Market parking lot from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on June 10 and 11, or until gone.

Milk gallons from Prairie Farms are ready to be delivered to people in need throughout South East Indiana. Photo Provided.

(Dillsboro, Ind.) - Over 4,000 gallons of milk will be available next week for southeastern Indiana residents, free of charge. 

Next Wednesday and Thursday, Owner of the Dillsboro Family Market, Perry Parmar, will be giving away 4,320 gallons of milk. 

"Dillsboro has been blessed again with a great opportunity to serve the people," says Dillsboro Economic Development Director Susan Greco. 

Parmar is able to distribute gallons of milk to those in need through the partnership between Purdue Extension and Prairie Farms as part of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farmers to Families Food Box Program.

The Farmers to Families Food Box Program allows the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) to purchase fresh produce, dairy and meat products from national, regional, and local suppliers that have been directly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Milk is free to southeastern Indiana residents as long as supplies last. While there is no limit, it is requested that the milk be used for personal consumption, not resale.

Volunteers will be handing out milk in the Dillsboro Family Market parking lot from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on June 10 and 11. 

"Many people working together are making a great benefit happen in our community," says Greco. 

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