All work is weather permitting.
Update posted on Monday, August 31, at 8:36 a.m.:
The Dearborn County Highway Department has announced the paving plan for this week.
Paving will continue, and Ruble Road and North Hogan driveway approaches are scheduled to be finished by Tuesday.
County Farm will close today with paving beginning at the North Hogan end. Only school buses and emergency vehicles will be permitted. County Farm will be closed through at least Wednesday.
Motorists may use North Hogan and Ruble Roads as detours to 48 and 350.
All work is weather and equipment permitting.
Original story published on Tuesday, August 25, at 3:52 p.m.:
(Manchester, Ind.) - Paul H. Rohe Company announced a paving project in Dearborn County starting later this week.
This project will begin on Thursday, August 27, and through Tuesday, September 1, weather permitting.
Road closures will include County Farm Road, Ruble Road, North Hogan Road and Hogan Hill Road.
If you have any questions or concerns you may call (812) 926-1471.