The event took place in late April.
Sisters in Front (left to right): Sister Donna Prickel, Sister Shirley Gerth, Sister Mary Beth Gianoli, Sister Joan Miller and Sister Patti Zureick. Back Row (Left to Right): Fr. Lucio Boccacci, Fr. Jonathan Meyer, Fr. John Geis, Fr. Carl Langenderfer, Fr. Peter Gallagher, Fr. Steve Donohue, Fr. Eric Augenstein, Fr. Stan Pondo, Fr. Paul Landwerlen, Deacon Brad Anderson, Fr. Francis Eckstein, Deacon Ron Freyer, Seminarian Eamonn Daily, Fr. Joe Nelson, Seminarian Andrew Alig and Seminarian Justin Horner. Photo provided.
(Batesville, Ind.) – It was a night of celebration at the 2018 Batesville Deanery Vocation Dinner.
The Knights of Columbus Council #1461 hosted the event on April 26 that featured keynote speaker Fr. Eric Augenstein, Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations for Diocese.
Sir Knight Meyer served as the Master of Ceremonies.
The dinner brought in a big crowd that included 12 priests with over 500 years of priestly service experience. Eight Sisters of St. Francis were also present, in addition to four Knights of Columbus State Officers, two District Deputies and 40 plus members of the Knights.
Attendees were encouraged to help be a catalyst in creating a culture for promoting vocations.
The K of C extends its thanks to Ben Langferman for coordinating the event.