RCCF Awards Grants To Osgood Organizations

Friday, June 18, 2021 at 9:10 AM

By Ripley County Community Foundation, news release

The grant money came from two funds established by lifelong Osgood residents.

Photo provided.

(Ripley County, Ind.) - The Ripley County Community Foundation awarded $12,740.69 in grants to nonprofit organizations in Osgood from the Frank Tarter Community Trust Fund and the Ray E. Herman & Louise (Herman) Crum Memorial Endowment Fund. Both funds were established by lifelong Osgood residents who wanted to improve the quality and enjoyment of life for the residents of Osgood and the rural community surrounding Osgood.

Four nonprofit organizations were awarded grants from the Frank Tarter Community Trust Fund. The Osgood Beautification and Main Street Development Foundation received $2,500.00 to support the creation of and installation of a a mural for the Osgood Mini Park revitalization project. The Osgood Lions Club received $2,050.00 to purchase landscape materials for the Fairgrounds and to pay for tent rentals, freezers, and grills for the Ripley County Fair. Ripley County EMS received $2,500.00 to purchase vacuum splints for ambulances, and the Ripley County Humane Society received $1,200.00 to purchase floor fans for animal shelter buildings.

The Ray Herman and Louise (Herman) Crum Memorial Endowment Fund distributed $1,000.00 to the Ripley County Food Pantry to purchase food for the pantry and $1,500.00 to the Town of Osgood to buy a generator for the Town Hall. Child Evangelism Fellowship received $1,990.69 to support summer camps and Good News Club at Jac-Cen-Del.

“The committee is excited to once again distribute funding from the Tarter and Herman-Crum Funds to the local organizations that serve and benefit the residents that reside within the Osgood community,” stated Owen Menchhofer, the Advisor for the Tarter and Herman-Crum Funds. Menchhofer further noted, “Since the early establishment of these funds, I’ve been able to watch firsthand how these distributions have positively impacted the community, and I’m looking forward to what opportunities these funds can benefit in the future.”

Fred Crum established the Ray Herman and Louise (Herman) Crum Memorial Endowment Fund in 2002 to support the town of Osgood. Frank Tarter, in his Last Will and Testament, created the Frank Tarter Community Trust Fund in 1998. He hoped that the trust would provide a way for the town of Osgood to become a better place in which to live and provide enjoyment, comfort, and security to its residents. “The hopes and dreams that seem so unattainable by each of us alone can become a reality together,” he stated in his will.

If you are interested in learning how you can leave your legacy or to make a donation to the Frank Tarter Community Trust Fund #403 or the Ray Herman & Louise (Herman) Crum Memorial Endowment Fund #418, please contact the Ripley County Community Foundation by emailing office@rccfonline.org, calling 812-933-1098, visiting www.rccfonline.org, or stopping by the office at 13 East George Street, Suite B, Batesville, IN 47006.

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