Locally, it is estimated that more than 20,000 locations are either underserved by their provider or do not receive service.

INDIANAPOLIS - Whether learning, working or accessing services online, a reliable internet connection is key. Unfortunately, many of our rural residents still lack access to reliable, high-speed internet. In fact, nearly 1 million Hoosiers are in locations that are underserved or unserved. At the state level, I'll support efforts to close the digital divide and bring more of our neighbors and businesses online.
Locally, it is estimated that more than 20,000 locations are either underserved by their provider or do not receive service. According to the Indiana Broadband Office, the number of underserved or unserved Hoosiers in Decatur County stands at about 6,600, 3,800 in Ripley County, 4,000 in Jennings County and 5,600 in Jefferson County.
If you're someone with slow or no internet, you can report your address and apply to have broadband efforts expanded in our area. With the Indiana Connectivity Program, homeowners and business owners can make service providers aware of the coverage gaps, which they can work to fill.
To get started, go to in.gov/ocra and create an account in the Indiana Next Level Connections portal. In the account, you can detail what service issues you're experiencing. Hoosiers can also register by phone at 833-639-8522 or by mail at the following address: Indiana Broadband Connect Center The Office of Community and Rural Affairs, 1 N. Capitol Ave., Suite 600, Indianapolis, IN 46204.
Once the information is submitted, broadband providers can submit bids to the state for how much expanding service to the area will cost. After the state reviews these proposals, awards will be given to providers who offer the lowest costs per Mbps for extending the service.
In the most recent round of funding, more than $890,000 was rewarded to expanding broadband service across 23 counties. This is a great resource and I encourage those in need of better internet service to check it out. I'll also keep my focus on finding additional solutions for closing the digital divide, which can help lift up all Hoosiers. If you have questions or need help navigating state government, please contact me at h67@iga.in.gov or call 1-800-382-9841.