Report: Brookville Pool Will Stay Closed In '17

By Mike Perleberg The Heap Memorial Pool in Brookville won’t open for the summer of 2017, its second consecutive summer being closed. Photo by Google Street View. (Brookville, Ind.) - The public pool in Brookville will be closed for a second straight summer. The Brookville Democrat-American newspaper reports Brookville Town Council President Mike Biltz told the Brookville Redevelopment Commission that the Heap Memorial Pool won’t open this year. The 56-year-old pool was discovered to have a significant leak – about 35,000 gallons per day – in 2015. It was closed in 2016 as the town considered making repairs, which past estimates have put between $150,000 and $1.5 million. A committee was formed and a consultant hired to help the town decide what course of action to take. The consultant has recommended that the current pool be replaced with a new one. There have been some limited discussions on raising money to fund possible construction of a new public pool. RELATED STORIES: Brookville Public Pool Won’t Open This Summer Brookville Leaders Considering Public Pool Repairs Brookville Pool Leaking 35K Gallons Daily

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