Rising Sun Volunteer Fire Department Receives Grant

Monday, September 9, 2024 at 10:41 AM

By Ohio County Community Foundation, news release

The funding helped with the purchase of neccessary equipment.

Shutterstock photo.

(Ohio County, Ind.) - The Ohio County Community Foundation has awarded the Rising Sun Volunteer Fire Department the 2024 Annual Celebration Grant in the amount of $10,026.

The funds were awarded to help and impact the residents of Ohio County through use of equipment to enhance the RSVFD’s capabilities of assisting residents in protecting life safety, property safety and to also educate Ohio County residents in safety. The Ohio County Community Foundation was established in 1998 and this year marks the 26th year of the Foundation’s existence.

To celebrate, $10,026 in unrestricted funds from the Rising Sun Regional Foundation for Ohio County Endowment Fund was set aside for this grant opportunity. The Annual OCCF Celebration Grant Program is a competitive grant program. Grant request funds must be used for projects or programs outside of the organization’s normal funding capabilities and must benefit the residents of Ohio County.

The awarded grant will allow the Rising Sun Volunteer Fire Department to purchase 100 fire blankets, two twister fire nozzles, a saw and blades, a rescue stabilizing kit, water backpacks, stainless steel basket stretcher sling, big water life jackets, rapid rescue life jackets, throw rope bags, LED traffic wands and traffic pop-up cones kits. These items will help to assist and protect residents of Ohio County.

For more information concerning the Ohio County Community Foundation grants program, please call the Foundation office at 812-438-9401 or email, Tracy Stegemiller, Program Coordinator at tstegemiller@occfrisingsun.com.

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