Road Construction Crews Are Coming To SR 156 In February

Friday, December 21, 2018 at 4:15 PM

By Indiana Department of Transportation, news release

Pipe and culvert replacements on State Road 156 will take place this winter.

(Switzerland County, Ind.) - Indiana Department of Transportation officials met with contractor representatives and a design consultant Friday, December 21 at Seymour District offices to review construction plans for a $1,710,218 small structure project impacting four sites along State Road 156 in Switzerland County.

Sunesis Construction Company of West Chester, Ohio, has been contracted to replace a concrete box culvert north of Patriot, install a pipe structure south of Patriot and fit two drainage pipes with liners—one at Markland, the other south of Rising Sun. The culvert and pipe replacements will require closures of S.R. 156 for a total of 45 days.  The highway at both locations will not be closed at the same time.  

  • S.R. 156 culvert removal and replacement—6 miles east of S.R. 250 at Forty Wink Creek and a tributary to the Ohio River. The new installation will be a 12- X 8-foot reinforced concrete box structure measuring 94 feet in length.       Traffic count at the site is 1,130 vehicles per day.
  • S.R. 156 pipe replacement—8.7 miles east of S.R. 101 at a tributary to the Ohio River. The new installation is a 60-inch drainage pipe measuring 73 feet in length.       Traffic count at the site is 880 vehicles per day.
  • S.R. 156 pipe lining—4.8 miles east of S.R. 56 at a tributary to Log Lick Creek. An existing 72-inch pipe measuring 105 feet in length will be lined to maintain structure integrity and extend service life. Traffic count at the Markland site is 4,835 vehicles per day. Traffic impact will be minimal.
  • S.R. 156 pipe lining—5.2 miles east of S.R. 250 at a tributary to the Ohio River. An existing 72-inch pipe measuring 97 feet in length will be lined to maintain structure integrity and extend service life. Traffic count at the site south of Rising Sun is 1,130 vehicles per day. Traffic impact will be minimal.

All four project locations are in Posey Township.

The contractor plans to be onsite for pipe lining operations during February and March. Culvert and pipe replacements are scheduled to be done in April and May.  Construction signs will be put in place on January 7.

Motorists can learn about highway work zones and other traffic alerts at, 1-800-261-ROAD (7623) or 511 from a mobile phone. For highway information, monitor social media sites: and Twitter @INDOTSoutheast.  Subscribe to receive text and email alerts at

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