A blessing ceremony will be held on Sunday afternoon.
File photo.
(Sunman, Ind.) - Area residents are invited to attend a Safe Haven Baby Box Blessing Ceremony this weekend in Sunman.
The event will start at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 26 at the Sunman Area Life Squad building, 403 N. Meridian Street.
The program will include demonstration of the baby box and brief comments from state and local dignitaries, members of the Sunman Area Life Squad and sponsor agency representatives.
Blessing of the baby box will be done by Father Shaun Whittington.
Indiana’s Safe Haven Law enables a parent to surrender an infant less than 30 days old to any hospital emergency room, fire station, police station or Safe Haven Baby Box within the state without fear of prosecution.
Baby boxes are temperature-controlled incubators with an alarm system that is triggered when a child is place inside, so first responders can immediately rescue the baby and provide critical care.
For more information, visit Safe Haven Baby Boxes - Baby Box Locations, Business, Drop Box (shbb.org)
Ripley Co. Commissioners Approve Installation of Two Safe Haven Baby Boxes