SDCSC Sets Date For Return To School

Some details of the re-entry plan was shared by Superintendent Jackson on Friday.

(St. Leon, Ind.) – The Sunman-Dearborn Community School Corporation has set a date for students to return to school.

Superintendent Andrew Jackson sent a letter to parents and guardians on Friday with preliminary information about reopening schools for face-to-face instruction.

Jackson says the first day of school will be Wednesday, August 5.

Last week, the Indiana Department of Education released a comprehensive 38-page document with several guidelines and requirements regarding opening schools for the 2020-2021 school year.

The guidance includes cleaning, transportation, instruction, cafeteria, social distancing, extracurricular activities and more. The school corporation has also release two parent surveys that will help form a re-entry plan. 

“The leadership team is working through the framework of our re-entry plan,” said Jackson. “I will be meeting with various stakeholders in the coming weeks to review and modify our plan, including both the Dearborn County and Ripley County health officials, teacher leadership, and school health providers. The document will be presented to the board at the July 9th board meeting for approval.”

Jackson added that the re-entry plan will be based on three guiding principles:

1. We are committed to the growth of the whole child - intellectually, socially, and emotionally. 2. We will maintain a safe and healthy environment. However, safety protocols cannot be so extensive as to damage the growth of the whole child - particularly socially and emotionally.

3. We will be flexible and agile. The dynamics of COVID-19 are fast changing. We must be able to respond quickly and efficiently.

One part of the re-entry plan will feature a comprehensive and full-time online option for students and parents. More details will be released after board approval on July 9.

Attendance policies will be modified to allow for extended absences for any student who is COVID-19 positive, exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms, or that has been exposed to someone positive or exhibiting symptoms. Students will not be permitted back to school until they are symptom free for 72 hours. Students may be asked to self-quarantine for up to 14 days.

“While I am happy to provide some preliminary information, please note the re-entry plan will be subject to change at any time, including the school calendar,” said Jackson.

Online student registration will be active on Monday, June 22 through the PowerSchool Parent Portal.


IDOE Announces 2020-2021 School Year COVID-19 Reentry Considerations

Sunman-Dearborn Announces Book Bills For 2020-2021 School Year

SDCSC Survey Will Help Develop Plans To Return To School This Fall

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