The legislation calls for stricter requirements to use Indiana’s Military Family Relief Fund.
(Indianapolis, Ind.) – A bill that calls for stricter requirements to use Indiana’s Military Family Relief Fund as passed a major hurdle.
House Bill 1257 passed the House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety Committee on Tuesday.
The bill’s author, State Rep. Randy Frye (R-Greensburg), says the Military Relief Fund is a dedicated fund that receives money through donations and the purchase of veteran license plates like, “Support the Troops.”
“This legislation ensures the fund is handled fairly and available to veterans in need of assistance,” Frye said. “Employees of the Indiana Department of Veterans’ Affairs would not be able to receive grants from the fund and applications for assistance would be responded to in a timely manner. These measures ensure this fund is operated with the greatest amount of transparency for all applicants.”
Frye added that assistance for each application would not exceed $2,500 to ensure funds are distributed fairly. Exceptions could be made in extreme cases.
The bill now heads to the full House of Representatives for consideration.