State Rep. Randy Frye Announces Re-Election Bid In House District 67

Thursday, October 7, 2021 at 12:23 PM

By State Rep. Randy Frye (R-Greensburg), news release

Frye hopes to continue important work in the district.

INDIANAPOLIS - State Rep. Randy Frye (R-Greensburg) has announced he is seeking re-election in House District 67.

“It is an honor to represent this region, and I would like to continue the important work we’re doing,” Frye said.

Frye serves as chairman of the Veterans Affairs and Public Safety Committee in the Indiana House of Representatives. He is a member of the Utilities, Energy, and Telecom Committee and the Roads and Transportation Committee. Frye is a commissioner on the Integrated Public Safety Commission and a member of the Homeland Security Foundation.

Frye co-authored legislation creating the Community Crossing Grant Program. He authored an important amendment which allows smaller counties and communities to receive a fairer distribution of funds than in the past. Since its inception in 2017, HD67 has received more than $60 million in additional road funding for local roads and bridges. Frye also pioneered the Volunteer Firefighter Scholarship, partnering with IVY Tech Community College to provide up to an associate degree free of charge to any volunteer firefighter in Indiana. Careers in nursing, accounting, and public safety are but a few of the opportunities within the Ivy Tech Scholarship. During the 2021 he authored a bill greatly expanding the opportunity to host a Safe Haven Baby Box. Indiana now leads the nation in Safe Haven Baby Boxes with 70.

Frye has been the recipient of several prestigious awards, including the Sagamore of the Wabash from former Gov. Mike Pence, Legislator of the Year from the Indiana Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Legislator of the Year from Indiana Clean Energy Association, the 2021 President’s Award from the Indiana Fire Chief’s Association, and the Honorary Lifetime Membership Award from the Indiana Volunteer Firefighters Association.

Frye is a retired Indianapolis firefighter and former small business owner. He resides on a small farm in southern Decatur County. The current HD67 includes all or part of Dearborn, Decatur, Jennings, Jefferson, Ohio, Ripley and Switzerland counties. Redistricted HD67 for 2022 will include most of Jefferson County including the city of Madison, most of Jennings County including the cities of North Vernon and Vernon, most of Ripley County including Versailles, Osgood, and Milan, and a small portion of Decatur County.

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