Purple Heart Recipients Gather For Recognition At Wang's Hot Chicken

Nearly 20 Purple Heart recipients were honored Tuesday afternoon, and gifted with a Thanksgiving turkey and other gifts.

Purple Heart recipients gather at Wang's Hot Chicken in Aurora. Photo provided. 

(Aurora, Ind.) - Nearly 20 Purple Heart recipients were honored Tuesday afternoon in Aurora. 

Kevin Wang, the owner of Wang's Hot Chicken, invited the local war heroes to his restaurant to be honored for their bravery. Each Purple Heart recipient was gifted with a gift card to Wang's Hot Chicken and Grand Buffet, a Thanksgiving turkey, a plant and a hot meal, courtesy of Wang's Hot Chicken. 

Among those in attendance were: Jack Day, Nich Ullrich, Bush White, Ebbie Roberts, Kenny Williams, Ken Nelson, Bo Schreiner, Tim Albright, Mike LaFollette, Andy Ziegler, Fred Lester, Errol Fowler, Wilbur Rolfes, Jordan Bondurant, Brett Bondurant, Allen Kellerman, Terry Bloomer and Larry Young. 

Others deserving recognition but unable to attend were: Rick Sommer, Terry Heath, Ted Cox, James Lemasters, Dick Moore, Mike Roth, Jim Ferry, Ben Houze Jr., Blaine Merrill, Dave Yocum and Bob Myers. 

The Thanksgiving turkeys were provided by Wang's Hot Chicken, Ewan Law, Alan Miller and Celeste Calvitto. Casey's Outdoor Solutions donated the plants. 

"I'd like to extend a thank you to Kevin for doing this," said Fred Lester. "It's very much appreciated."

P.G. Gentrup added to that sentiment saying, "Kevin is very very patriotic, he loves the United States of America. All you have to do is get around Kevin and say the word veteran and you got his attention. He bends over backwards for our veterans."

Nick Ullrich was one of many Veterans that Eagle Country 99.3 had the pleasure of speaking to, shared about his Purple Heart experience. 

"We were just in the wrong place at the wrong time," said Nick Ullrich. "They started tossing grenades and I was on the receiving end. If I had to do it over, I'd do it again." 

Ebby Roberts, who served in the Alpha 112 3rd Marine Division, was in Vietnam in 1967-68. He was wounded in 1968. 

"I can tell you anything you want to know about it. It was April 30, 1968 and me and one of the other guys was on my gun and we started taking incoming rounds pretty heavily. We dove into a trench and had a round come in right on top of us. But I'm here." 

Tim Albright, a E-4 in the U.S. Army, was wounded in Vietnam. As one could understand, he was less inclined to talk about his experience. 

"All I'm going to say is I'm lucky to be sitting here today. I can't talk about it," said Albright. 

When asked what he's thankful for this Thanksgiving, Albright said, "For everything, life is good. We live in the best country in the world. We are so luck to have what we have."

Many other expressed the same sentiment, that they are thankful "to be alive" and thankful for "everything" this holiday season.  

On behalf of everyone at Eagle Country 99.3, we are "thankful" for all the men and women who have bravely served in the U.S. Military. 

Kevin Wang and P.G. Gentrup address the Purple Heart recipients. Photo by Travis Thayer, Eagle Country 99.3





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