Funding for this donation was raised that the DCHBA Home and Garden Show.
(Left to right: Melany Longo, Lisa Cox, Amy Phillips, Lashanda Messer.)
(Manchester, Ind.) - Donating to help others is a priority for many local organization in Dearborn County. One in particular is the Dearborn County Home Builders Association (DCHBA).
The DCHBA donated a total of $2,118 to the YES Home from funds raised at the Home and Garden Show February 7-9.
Several baskets were donated by local businesses and DCHBA members to hold the basket raffle which funded the donation.
Members from the DCHBA had the opportunity to meet with Director Amy Phillips to get a tour of the facilities and present the check from the proceeds made from the basket raffle at the Home and Garden Show.
Many members appreciate the fact that this fundraiser directly effects those who need assistance in the community.
"The Home and Garden Show is our biggest fundraiser for the year and we are thrilled to be able to give back to a worthy organization here locally," says Sarah Jordan, Secretary of Dearborn County Home Builders Association.