Ziemke, Lyness: State Awards $413K To Area Schools For Remote Learning

Friday, August 28, 2020 at 3:58 PM

By State Rep. Randy Lyness (R-West Harrison) & Cindy Ziemke (R-Batesville), press release

"By providing more devices and additional internet connections, classroom learning is just a click away for more of our Hoosier students."

(Indianapolis, Ind.) – Area schools recently received more than $413,566 in emergency grant funding to invest in remote learning equipment and internet connectivity, according to State Reps. Cindy Ziemke (R-Batesville) and Randy Lyness (R-West Harrison).

Ziemke said schools statewide received a total of $61 million through the Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund, which was created by the federal CARES Act. Funding will help increase device access, internet connectivity, and educator training and development.

"Our children should have access to the best educational tools available, and teachers can make learning online just as effective with the right resources," Ziemke said. "That is why expanding internet access to reach more homes is vital to education today and for the future."

Area grant recipients include Fayette County School Corp., which received $413,566. Additionally, Franklin County Community School Corp., College Corner Joint School District and St. Michael School will benefit from a $3,375,000 grant awarded to the University of Indianapolis and regional education centers, which partnered with 24 traditional public school corporations and 8 non-public schools.

According to Lyness, the GEER funding supports traditional public schools, public charter schools, accredited non-public schools, higher education institutions and other education-related entities throughout the state.

"We don’t want children to stop learning when they are outside the classroom," Lyness said. "Opportunities to study, read and educate can take place at home and throughout the community. By providing more devices and additional internet connections, classroom learning is just a click away for more of our Hoosier students."

Lyness said the funding goes toward purchasing devices like Chromebooks and iPads for students, new or upgraded laptops and tablets for teachers, and mobile WiFi devices with subscription plans for households needing internet service.

A grant application could be completed by a single school corporation or a combination of eligible education entities. The 257 applications received were evaluated by a team from the Indiana Department of Education, the Indiana Commission for Higher Education and the Indiana State Board of Education.

A full list of grant recipients is available here, and the governor's official announcement is here.



Local Indiana Schools Receive Governor’s Emergency Education Relief

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