The bill addresses a gap between multiple misdemeanor sentencing and felony sentencing.
INDIANAPOLIS - State Rep. Alex Zimmerman's (R-North Vernon) bill capping the maximum term of incarceration for misdemeanor consecutive sentences now moves to the Senate for further consideration.
Zimmerman said his bill would install a cap on terms of incarceration for misdemeanor sentences similar to how felony sentences are capped in certain situations.
"This bill would address a gap where those charged and sentenced with consecutive misdemeanors could face more time incarcerated than if they were convicted of similar felony crimes," Zimmerman said. "This is a code revision so that we are not sentencing misdemeanor offenders more than we would those facing more severe charges."
Zimmerman said an example of this was showcased recently, where a defendant received a 12-year aggregate sentence for 24 misdemeanor counts, but if the defendant were facing similar felony charges, the maximum term of incarceration would have been capped at 4 years.
Zimmerman said this bill could also help alleviate strain on local sheriffs, since those serving a misdemeanor sentence do so in the county jails.
House Bill 1014 now moves to the Senate for further consideration. To learn more about the bill and follow session, visit []