Taekwondo is the art of self defense that originated in Korea.
Kara Woulms. Photo provided.
(Aurora, Ind.) – A youngster from Aurora is paving a path of success by "the way of the foot and the fist."
Kara Woulms, 10, competed at the Indiana AAU Taekwondo State Championships on May 5th, placing second in forms and third in sparring. Her strong performance was good enough to qualify to compete at the 2018 AAU Olympic Games and the 2018 AAU National Championships.
Taekwondo is the art of self defense that originated in Korea. It is recognized as one of the oldest forms of martial arts in the world, reaching back over 2,000 years.
Woulms has trained in Taekwondo for three years under the tutelage of Master Hite at the Indiana Academy of Martial Arts in Greendale.