Dr. Jaideep Chunduri has particular expertise in degenerative conditions.
Dr. Jaideep Chunduri with patient. Photo provided.
Being a “pain in the neck” has always been a catchall phrase for someone who caused relentless trouble or even discomfort. We all know someone like that. However, that colorful description may have been coined by someone who had literal neck pain, showcasing how debilitating it can be. Whether caused by one of many degenerative conditions of the cervical or lumbar spine or an injury, that pain is very real. Whether from herniated discs, spinal stenosis or degenerative disc disease, having a pain in the neck is … well… a pain in the neck.
All kidding aside, for those suffering, neck pain is very real and there are real advancements being made in the treatment of what can sometimes be debilitating conditions. Dr. Jaideep Chunduri, a physician at Beacon Orthopaedics and the Medical Director of the Beacon Orthopaedics Research and Education Foundation, has particular expertise in degenerative conditions like those mentioned above and innovative ways to treat them.
Each patient’s pain is not the same. So working with an experienced care provider to explore all options to relieve their symptoms is important. Dr. Chunduri says, “Options like physical therapy or medication may be enough to relieve the symptoms. However, if a serious condition is diagnosed and pain persists, working with your physician to agree upon further treatments is critical.” Given his extensive experience in minimally invasive spine surgery and a special interest in new techniques and technologies, he also recommends treatments like ESI (Epidural Steroid Injections) as a way to possibly avoid surgery altogether.
ESI (or “Epidural”) is a medical procedure where an anti-inflammatory steroid (cortisone) is injected into the area of the spine called the epidural space. In that space, potentially sensitive nerves, discs, bones and ligaments can become inflamed and irritated, causing pain or discomfort. The ESI includes a locally-applied medication thereby suppressing the pain and inflammation, allowing the healing process to speed up and improve.
Many people hear “epidural” and immediately think of pregnancy and delivery, but there is a long list of back conditions that benefit from this type of minimally invasive treatment. Some of those conditions include:
· Sciatica, pain radiating down one or both legs from the lower back
· Radiculopathy, or radiating nerve pain in the arms or legs
· Herniated discs in the lumbar (lower back) region, where the soft center of a disc pushes through its hard shell and into nerves in the spinal canal
· Spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the spinal canal that pinches nerves in the spinal cord
· Degenerative disc disease, where a collapsed disc space presses on nerves
· Cysts in spine joints or nerve roots
If you or someone you love is experiencing any of these symptoms, it may be worthwhile talking with a medical professional. Clinical and Diagnostic appointments are available at Beacon West, Lawrenceburg and Batesville, along with Saturday morning injury clinics, as well and urgent care at Erlanger and Summit Woods.
Go to www.beaconortho.com or call 513-354-3700 for an appointment. All 13 Beacon locations are seeing patients. Striving to ensure patient and staff health, Beacon offers Telehealth Video Visits and when seeing patients in person, they are using all approved safety protocols, including temperature checks, masks, hand sanitizing. Providing a safe environment to diagnose and recommend the next steps for any injury is always the right thing to do.