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Brush Fork Road to Close for Bridge Replacement

The project is slated to start March 24.

Special Olympics to Host Breakfast with the Easter Bunny

The event is set for April 13 at South Ripley Elementary School.

Rolling Roadblocks Scheduled for Pothole Patching on Various Road in Boone Co.

Crews will be pothole patching on Aero Parkway (KY 1017), KY 237, I-275 and I-75.

Bill Brinkman to Receive Outstanding Official Award

Brinkman is in his 35th year as an official.

Seven Earn Academic All-State Honors from ICGSA

To be eligible, student-athletes have to have a GPA of 3.5 or higher.

Craig, Henry Named to HBCA East All-Star Team

Two Ohio River Valley Conference stars will team at the HBCA East/West All-Star Classic. 

On Air

Rick Bernius playing
Russell Dickerson - Blue Tacoma

Sawyer Brown Thank God For You 15:32
Morgan Wallen and Eric Church Man Made A Bar 15:25
David Allan Coe The Ride 15:22
Meghan Patrick Golden Child 15:18