The police department has a $1,000 fundraising goal.
Aurora Police Department officers. Photo provided.
(Aurora, Ind.) - The Aurora Police Department is going to take part in No Shave November.
Lieutenant Mike Prudenti says the department will forgo shaving next month in an effort to raise at least $1,000 in donations for the Laughery Valley FOP Lodge’s Cops & Kids Christmas Shopping Event.
“All the money raised will go directly to kids in our community where each child is given $100 to shop for clothes and toys. APD and other local officers shop with the children,” says Prudenti.
If you want to donate, checks can be mailed to the Aurora Police Department, 233 Main Street, Aurora, Indiana 47001. Checks should be made out to “Laughery Valley FOP Lodge # 146 – Cops & Kids”.
Cash donations can be dropped off at the department in-person between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
“We thank you in advance for your help in this effort to make Christmas special for the children,” Prudenti says.