DCHD Approves Lawrenceburg Tigers Athletics Fall 2020 Spectator Guidelines

Thursday, August 13, 2020 at 11:41 AM

By Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation, press release

These guidelines cover both high school and middle school athletic events.

(Lawrenceburg, Ind.) - We are living in unprecedented times.  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation (LCSC) Athletic Department is required to make changes for the 2020-2021 school year in regards to athletic events, specifically attendance and ticketing.  This document will specifically address LCSC Fall 2020 Athletic Events.  We will revisit the plans and edit them accordingly for the 2020-2021 Winter Athletic Season and again for the 2021 Spring Athletic Season. 

Social Distancing and Masks:

  • School facilities are public spaces, therefore, all fans in attendance are required to wear masks and social distance.  Family units may sit together, but use six (6) feet of social distancing between another family unit.
  • Spectators are to leave the facilities immediately after the contests and not linger around or socialize.
  • Social distancing signage will be posted, hand sanitizer will be available and hand washing is encouraged.

Spectator Attendance:

  • LCSC will be following the guidelines set forth by the State of Indiana with guidance from the Dearborn County Health Department.  Therefore, LCSC will have to limit the number of fans in attendance for the 2020 Fall Sports Season.
  • LCSC will use the State of Indiana’s “Back on Track” Guidelines as a directive to determine the number of spectators that can attend an LCSC athletic event.  These numbers will vary depending on the facility size and the stage of Indiana’s re-entry. 
  • Facility capacity will be defined as, on a set of bleachers, it should be no more than 50% capacity with a maximum of 250 people (even if the bleachers can fit more with social distancing).

Current Stage: 4.5 - Limited Seating

  1. At the time of publish of this document, Indiana is in Stage 4.5
  2. On a set of bleachers, it should be no more than 50% capacity with a maximum of 250 people (even if the bleachers can fit more with social distancing).
  3. If the stadium has multiple individual sets of bleachers, each separate area can be seen as a separate unit.  However, an important part is each segment must have separate designated entrances and separate designated restroom facilities in order not to exceed 250 people.

LCSC will make adjustments to this policy to adhere to the State of Indiana’s Guidance and Dearborn County Health Department.


Specific LHS Event Guidelines for Spectators by Sport: 

LHS Football

  1. Football will be capped at 250 spectators on the Plaza Level and 250 spectators on the Field Level. 
    1. LCSC fans will enter at the Plaza Level.  
      1. All home parking will be in the lots north of Lawrenceburg High School (between Lawrenceburg High School and Lawrenceburg Primary School).
      2. Home side handicapped parking will be in front of the LHS main office, south of the flagpole. 
      3. Jungle Parking will be in front of the Lawrenceburg High School main office, north of the flagpole.
      4. Fans entering at the Plaza Level will use the restrooms in the main concourse of the LHS gym and will use the concession stands on the plaza level.
      5. Fans entering at the Plaza Level will not be able to access the field level.
    2. LHS Students will enter at the Field Level and sit in the bleachers at the east end of the stadium
  1. Lawrenceburg High School students will park in the Gym/Pool parking lot and proceed down the ramp to the Feld Level gate.
  2. Lawrenceburg High School students will use the restrooms on the Field Level and use the concession stand on the visitor side of the field.
  3. Fans entering at the Field Level will not be able to access the Plaza Level.
  4. Visiting fans will sit in the press box stands. 
    1. Visiting fans will park in the Gym/Pool parking lot and proceed down the ramp to the Field Level gate.
    2. Visitors will use the restrooms on the Field Level and use the concession stand on the visitor side of the field.
    3. Fans entering at the Field Level will not be able to access the Plaza Level.
  1. The fenced areas around the football field are reserved for team staff, administration, and security personnel.
  2. All spectators (elementary, middle and high school students not participating) must remain in the bleachers at all football games.

LHS Boys/Girls Soccer and JV/Freshman Football (Football/Soccer Stadium - Turf Field)

  1. The Football/Soccer Stadium (Turf Field) will be capped at 250 spectators on the Plaza Level and 250 spectators on the Field Level. 
    1. LCSC fans will enter at the Plaza Level.  
      1. All home parking will be in the lots north of Lawrenceburg High School (between Lawrenceburg High School and Lawrenceburg Primary School).
      2. Fans entering at the Plaza Level will use the restrooms in the main concourse of the Lawrenceburg High School Gym and will use the concession stands on the plaza level.
      3. Fans entering at the Plaza Level will not be able to access the field level.
    2. Additional seating for LCSC fans at the Field Level may enter and sit in the bleachers at the east end of the stadium
  1. Additional LCSC fans will park in the Gym/Pool parking lot and proceed down the ramp to the Field Level gate.
  2. Additional LCSC fans will use the restrooms on the Field Level and use the concession stand on the visitor side of the field.
  3. Fans entering at the Field Level will not be able to access the Plaza Level.
  4. Visiting fans will sit in the press box stands. 
    1. Visiting fans will park in the Gym/Pool parking lot and proceed down the ramp to the Field Level gate.
    2. Visitors will use the restrooms on the Field Level and use the concession stand on the visitor side of the field.
    3. Fans entering at the Field Level will not be able to access the Plaza Level.
  1. The fenced areas around the turf field are reserved for team staff, administration, and security personnel.
  2. All spectators (elementary, middle and high school students not participating) must remain in the bleachers at all matches/games.

LHS Boys/Girls Soccer (Soccer/Track Stadium - Grass Field)

  1. The Soccer/Track Stadium will be capped at 250 spectators total.
  2. LCSC fans should park in the lot closest to Lawrenceburg Primary School and enter at the north gate, closest to the concession stand.
  3. Visiting fans should park in the parking lot closest to Lawrenceburg High School and the LCSC Administration Office, and enter in the west gate next to the bleachers.
  4. Home fans should sit in the north end of the bleachers, closest to the restrooms and concession stands.
  5. Visiting fans should sit in the south end of the bleachers, closest to the gate they entered.
  6. All spectators (elementary, middle and high school students not participating) must remain in the bleachers at all matches.

LHS Volleyball (LHS Main Gym)

  1. LHS Volleyball matches will be capped at 250 spectators.
  2. All spectators will enter at the “Lauren Hill Entrance” (Pool/Gym Entrance).
  3. There will be no seating in the lower level of the main gym. 
  4. The bleachers on the east end of the lower level will be pulled out, but those seats are only for the team benches/players and event workers.
  5. Handicapped seating will be available on the upper level in the predesignated spots.  Patrons with disabilities will have access to the elevator.
  6. Restrooms will be open at the Lauren Hill Entrance by the pool, in the west hallway by the concession stand, and in the upper level.
  1. Concessions will be open in the west hallway of the gymnasium.
  2. All spectators (elementary, middle and high school students not participating) must remain in the bleachers at all matches.

LHS Boys Tennis (Tennis Courts)

  1. Fans are required to socially distance. (Family units must be 6 feet from each other.)
  2. Fans should not sit within six feet of the court entrances/exits.
  3. Fans are encouraged to bring their own seating.
  4. All fans can park near the Greendale Middle School main office.

LHS Boys/Girls Cross Country (Dearborn County Community Athletic Park (CAP) Fields)

  1. Fans are required to socially distance. (Family units must be 6 feet from each other.)
  2. Fans are not to gather at the finish line of the cross country meet.
  3. Fans are to park in the CAP Fields parking, they should not park in the lot by the maintenance building.  This will help reduce crowding near the finish line.

LHS Girls Golf (Hidden Valley Lake Golf Course)

  1. There are no specific spectator caps for Lawrenceburg High School Girls Golf matches at Hidden Valley Lake Golf Course.
  2. Fans are required to socially distance. (Family units must be 6 feet from each other.)
  3. Fans are not allowed to talk to the athletes during the matches as the athletes are not required to wear a mask and social distancing must be maintained. 
  4. All other posted rules set by Hidden Valley Golf Course will be in effect during LHS Girls Golf matches.


Specific GMS Event Guidelines for Spectators:

GMS Football

  1. The Football Stadium will be capped at 250 spectators on the Plaza Level and 250 spectators on the Field Level. 
    1. LCSC fans will enter at the Plaza Level.  
      1. All home parking will be in the lots north of Lawrenceburg High School (between Lawrenceburg High School and Lawrenceburg Primary School).
      2. Fans entering at the Plaza Level will use the restrooms in the main concourse of the Lawrenceburg High School Gym and will use the concession stands on the plaza level.
      3. Fans entering at the Plaza Level will not be able to access the field level.
    2. Additional seating for LCSC fans at the Field Level may enter and sit in the bleachers at the east end of the stadium
  1. Additional LCSC fans will park in the Gym/Pool parking lot and proceed down the ramp to the Field Level gate.
  2. Additional LCSC fans will use the restrooms on the Field Level and use the concession stand on the visitor side of the field.
  3. Fans entering at the Field Level will not be able to access the Plaza Level.
  4. Visiting fans will sit in the press box stands. 
    1. Visiting fans will park in the Gym/Pool parking lot and proceed down the ramp to the Field Level gate.
    2. Visitors will use the restrooms on the Field Level and use the concession stand on the visitor side of the field.
    3. Fans entering at the Field Level will not be able to access the Plaza Level.
  1. The fenced areas around the turf field are reserved for team staff, administration, and security personnel.
  2. All spectators (elementary, middle and high school students not participating) must remain in the bleachers at all matches/games.

GMS Volleyball (GMS Gym)

  1. GMS Volleyball matches will be capped at 250 spectators.
  2. All spectators will enter at the GMS Main Entrance.
  3. Restrooms will be open in the west hallway of the gymnasium.
  4. Concessions will be open in the west hallway of the gymnasium.
  5. All spectators (elementary, middle and high school students not participating) must remain in the bleachers at all matches.

GMS Boys/Girls Cross Country (Dearborn County CAP Fields)

  1. Fans are required to socially distance. (Family units must be 6 feet from each other.)
  2. Fans are not to gather at the finish line of the cross country meet.
  3. Fans are to park in the CAP Fields parking, they should not park in the lot by the maintenance building.  This will help reduce crowding near the finish line.

GMS Boys/Girls Swimming (LHS Pool)

  1. Seating will be limited and allowed according to space and social distancing.
  2. In an effort to allow space for fan seating, student-athletes may be required to wait in locker rooms or designated spots on the deck. 


Ticketing Procedures for LCSC Athletic Events:


  • Due to the uncertainty of having future events due to COVID-19, the Athletic Department will not be selling all-sports passes for the 2020 Fall Sports Season.  We will revisit this policy and make the proper adjustments for the 2020-2021 Winter Sports Season and 2021 Spring Sports Season.
  • Tickets will be sold at the door for all contests, except Varsity Football.  There will be an advanced ticket sale option for Varsity Football only on Thursday nights from 5:00 to 7:00 pm on the LHS Plaza until capacity is reached for each level of the stadium.
  • Senior Citizen passes will be accepted as a ticket.
  • Admission to Lawrenceburg High School Athletic Events is: 
    • $5 for adults
    • $3 for LHS students
    • $1 for GMS, CES, and LPS students
    • In season athlete free but required to pick up a ticket
  • Admission to all Athletic Events Sponsored by Greendale Middle School is:
    • $4 for adults
    • $1 for students
    • In season athlete free but required to pick up a ticket

Advanced Tickets for LHS Varsity Football

  • All spectators must have a physical ticket in hand to enter the gate. 
  • The game gates will open at 5:30 pm.  There will not be any pre-reserved seating this year. 
  • Each LHS football player/manager, cheerleader, band member/color guard and coach will have the opportunity to purchase two (2) tickets, for each home game, in advance. 
    • Advanced tickets must be purchased from the athletic office by 3:00 pm on the Wednesday before the game.   
  • Visiting teams will have the opportunity to purchase two (2) tickets, for their contest vs. LHS, in advance.  
    • The pre-sale is only for the families of players/managers, cheerleaders, and coaches.
    • Visiting teams must submit their pre-sale order to the LHS Athletic Department by 3:00 pm on the Wednesday before the scheduled contest.  Tickets will then be sent to the visiting team to distribute to the fans that purchased tickets.
  • The remaining tickets for the event will then be pre-sold on Thursday evening from 5:00-7:00 pm on the LHS Plaza until capacity is reached for each level of the stadium.


We thank you in advance for following these guidelines so we may serve our student-athletes and patrons safely.  It is important for everyone to adhere to the guidelines so activities may continue.

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