Dillsboro Homecoming Marks Start Of Eagle Country's Fair Season

A beautiful weather forecast will bless the 2019 Dillsboro Homecoming Festival.

Dillsboro Homecoming Festival. Photo by Dearborn County Convention, Visitors, and Tourism Bureau.

(Dillsboro, Ind.) - Fair and festival season is officially underway in southeastern Indiana with the start of the Dillsboro Homecoming Festival.

It’s a quintessential small town, Indiana street fair. The annual event has been named a “Grand Champion Event” four times by the Indiana Association of County and District Fairs.

The festival began Wednesday night with the crowning of the royalty and live music from bluegrass band My Brother’s Keeper.

Brayden Hurelbrink and Erica Sizemore were crowned the king and queen. Senior king and queen honors went to Bob and Mary Jo Finnegan. Young Jon Burress and Nora Weatherford were named the prince and princess.

The homecoming happenings continue Thursday evening with the baby contest at 7:15 and live music from Jackwagon starting at 8:30. Baby contest registration is open from 5:30 until 6:45.

Friday’s festivities include the signature event of the homecoming festival. The famous frog jumping contest, now in its 42nd year, hops off at 6:15 p.m. Friday’s live music by Brutally Handsome starts at 8:30.

Eagle Country 99.3 will be broadcasting live from the festival on Friday from 3:00 until 6:00 p.m. Look for our booth and register for a chance to win prizes. 

The festival runs through Saturday. A 5K race begins at 8:00 a.m. – registration opens at 7:00. The homecoming parade happens at 11:00. South Dearborn show choirs will perform at 2:00 p.m.

On Saturday from 12:30 until 3:30 p.m., Dillsboro Fire Department and Dillsboro Life Squad will hold a touch-a-truck event with a helicopter fly-in at the Dillsboro Elementary parking lot.

The Dillsboro American Legion Post #292 is holding an open house on Saturday, too. A chicken dinner will begin at 11:30 a.m. There will also be games, golf hole, and live music on the legion’s new patio. The legion is looking to add new members. Learn more at http://www.dillsborolegion.org/fact5.htm.

Saturday’s live music at the festival includes rockabilly by The Bushwackers at 6:15 and The Renegades at 7:30.

Follow the festival on Facebook.


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