All FWA draws will be held while following Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines.
(Indianapolis, Ind.) - Fish and wildlife are (FWA) hunting and trapping draws are going to be looking much different this season.
All FWA draws will be held while following Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines.
Face masks or coverings will be required while inside a property office or around other people. If a visitor is feeling sick, it is requested they stay home.
For most draws, access to FWA offices will be limited. While it is very likely that people will be asked to wait outside during the draw process, all visitors should be prepared by dressing for the weather. It is expected for draws to take longer than previous years.
To limit visitors from congregating, public seating area will be removed. If a participant requires seating accommodations, bring a portable lawn chair.
Property hunting draws will continue to take place at FWAs according to each property's specific draw plan if the property offices are closed to the public due to coronavirus concerns. These plans are written based on property accommodations to ensure social distancing is followed.
Property-specific information for how the draws will be conducted can be found at
You may contact the property directly to find out more details. Each property can be found at