A short, new road could help eliminate backups at U.S. 42, Weaver Road, and Hopeful Church Road.
(Florence, Ky.) - They call it a “jug handle.”
A new half-loop is the chosen solution to alleviate congestion at the intersection of U.S. 42, Weaver Road, and Hopeful Church Road in Florence.
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet says work is starting to construct a short new road called Quadrant Road. It will allow left turns to be eliminated from Weaver Road onto U.S. 42, helping reduce traffic backups.
Motorists will be able to make a left onto U.S. 42 from Quadrant Road instead. Left turns from Hopeful Church Road to U.S. 42 will also cease to be, with traffic instead going straight onto Weaver Road, making a right onto Quadrant, and a second right onto U.S. 42.
“The jug handle design will reduce the travel time of the 43,000 vehicles that come through at this intersection in a 24 hour period,” said Bob Yeager, chief district engineer for KYTC District 6.
The $3.2 million project is expected to be completed next June. Dudley Construction Company, Inc. of Florence has been awarded the contract after making the lowest bid.