The bill would expand the right that already exists for doctors.
Indiana Statehouse
(Indianapolis, Ind.) – Indiana pharmacists, physicians assistants and nurses could refuse to aid in abortions under a bill approved by an Indiana Senate committee.
Senate Bill 201 would expand the number of healthcare providers who could refuse to perform an abortion or assist or participate in procedures intended to result in an abortion if the health care provider objects to the procedures on ethical, moral, or religious grounds. Currently, the exemption only applies to physicians and their employees.
In the case of pharmacists, they could refuse to dispense an abortion-inducing drug to an individual. State records show that about a third of abortions in Indiana last year were drug-induced.
The proposal was endorsed on an 8-1 vote by the Senate Health and Provider Services Committee on Wednesday, February 13.
SB 201 is now awaiting a vote on the Senate floor.