Southeastern Indiana REMC customers' participation in the Operation Round Up is helping save some Dillsboro history.
Accepting Grants for Dillsboro were: Mike Beach, Dillsboro Volunteer Fire Department, David (Woody) Fryman, Dillsboro Beautification, Casey Finnegan, Dillsboro Community Park, Paul Filter, Dillsboro Beautification, and Susan Greco, Dillsboro Community Partnership. Photo provided.
(Dillsboro, Ind.) - The Town of Dillsboro graciously accepts the generous gifts of the REMC Operation Roundup Grants which will be used to place an interior/exterior sound system at Friendship Gallery and Heritage Pointe, a water craft for ice and water rescue and a shelter to protect our Legacy Project Well No. 2.
Many of you may ask “What is Operation Round-Up?” Operation Round Up is a voluntary charitable fundraising program for Southeastern Indiana REMC members. If you participate, your bill will be rounded up to the next whole dollar each month.
Those extra cents are deposited into a separate fund. A board of trustees reviews grant applications for community projects. This round of grants will supply resources for 33 projects in seven counties. So, for an average of $6 per year, any REMC member can contribute to a wide range of community projects throughout southeastern Indiana.
In Dillsboro over the past three years, we have received funding for the Dillsboro Elementary Bicentennial Poetry book, a hand-washing station for our Farmers Market and downtown public events, a generous contribution to initiate the Veteran’s Walk, and many other non-profit projects.
We need to thank both the board of Southeastern Indiana REMC, but also those dedicated customers who contribute every month.
If you are not a contributor and would like to sign up, you can call (800) 737-4111.