Lowe will join the Southwest Local School District on June 1.
Thomas Lowe. Photo provided.
(Harrison, Oh.) - At their May 17 meeting, Southwest Local School District’s Board of Education voted to approve Thomas Lowe as treasurer. Lowe, who joins the district June 1, replaces Brian Rabe who has taken the treasurer’s position at Milford School District.
“We were impressed with Thomas’ understanding of strategic fiscal planning and in helping to craft a stable financial strategy,” states Superintendent John C. Hamstra. “He is joining Southwest Local at a very busy period and I believe his experience in managing long-term financial growth will benefit the district throughout the process of building our four new schools and renovation of the high school.”
Lowe has worked for Great Parks of Hamilton County since July 2008, the three most recent years as CFO (chief financial officer). In that position, he oversaw a nearly $50 million budget, including supervising the finances of Great Parks Forever.
Prior to serving as CFO, he served as Great Parks as an accountant and finance manager. During his tenure there, he received a certification of accomplishment for excellence in financial reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada.
In addition, he was honored by the Ohio Office of the Auditor with an “award of distinction” for excellence in financial reporting for his comprehensive annual financial report for the fiscal year ended 2016. The honor noted his “exemplary reporting which serves as the standard for clean, accountable government, representing the highest level of service to Ohioans.”
Lowe, a Loveland resident, earned a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Cincinnati and an executive Master of Business Administration from Xavier University. He holds a CPIM certification and is currently completing licensure for public school treasurer through the State.
“I am very excited to be part of the Southwest Local Schools team and can’t wait to get to work,” Lowe states. “Providing better education is important to me as it provides the tools that young men and women need to succeed.”