INDOT's contractor will close State Road 262 south of Dillsboro for 45 days starting July 19.
Crews have addressed a number of slide sites along State Road 262 in Dearborn and Ohio counties in recent years. File photo.
(Dearborn County, Ind.) - Indiana Department of Transportation officials met with its prime contractor and a geohazard stabilization subcontractor Thursday, May 31 at Seymour District offices for pre-construction planning of a $1,268,500 slide correction project involving two sites on State Road 262 south of Dillsboro.
Paul H. Rohe Company will rebuild a tenth-of-a-mile section of S.R. 262 at West Laughrey Creek Road—located 3.9 miles south of U.S. Highway 50. The Aurora-based contractor will place rip rap on the eroding slope east side of the roadway and set drainage installations. Work calling for a 45-day closure is tentatively scheduled to begin July 19. A signed detour will route motorists around the site via U.S. 50 and S.R. 56.
Geostabilization International, serving as a subcontractor, is charged with soil nail operations along a 375-foot-wide embankment along S.R. 262—located 100 feet south of Downey Ridge Road. In addition to the shotcrete-covered wall, the project calls for new pavement and paved ditches.
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