Alison Wiegand

Alison Wiegand, also known as Bubbles around that station, is the host of “It’s Positively Eagle Country” on Sunday mornings from 6:00 until 9:00 a.m. Alison’s goal is to bring positive, uplifting and encouraging music to her listeners. Outside of radio, Alison is the director of communications at a local church. During her college career, Alison worked part-time for Eagle Country 99.3 and served as the news director assistant, copy writer and general manager assistant. Alison is ecstatic to be spreading hope and joy among her listeners.


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Lady A American Honey 18:57
Tracy Lawrence As Any Fool Can See 18:54
Jon Pardi Head Over Boots 18:51
Lainey Wilson 4X4XU 18:47